Elisa Vilardo
In our lab we investigate the process of tRNA methylation from its multiple faces and aim to address the following fundamental questions: how do modification enzymes work to recognize their substrate? what is the effect of the modification on the tRNA structure/function? what are the consequences of modification, and of its absence, on cellular function?


Elisa Vilardo, Ursula Toth, Enxhi Hazisllari, Roland K Hartmann, Walter Rossmanith, Cleavage kinetics of human mitochondrial RNase P and contribution of its non-nuclease subunits, Nucleic Acids Research, 2023;, gkad713. Link

Elisa Vilardo, Fabian Amman, Ursula Toth, Annika Kotter, Mark Helm, Walter Rossmanith, Functional characterization of the human tRNA methyltransferases TRMT10A and TRMT10B, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 48, Issue 11, 19 June 2020, Pages 6157–6169. Link

Elisa Vilardo, Christa Nachbagauer, Aurélie Buzet, Andreas Taschner, Johann Holzmann, Walter Rossmanith, A subcomplex of human mitochondrial RNase P is a bifunctional methyltransferase—extensive moonlighting in mitochondrial tRNA biogenesis, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 40, Issue 22, 1 December 2012, Pages 11583–11593. Link

+ 43 1 40160 37724



Department of Cell- and Developmental Biology

Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology

 Medical University of Vienna

Schwarzspanierstrasse 17

1090 Wien,

Lab. Homepage