New. 10/2023
The Drosophila ZAD zinc finger protein Kipferl guides Rhino to piRNA clusters
Heterochromatin is widely regarded as the transcriptionally inactive, repeat-rich compartment of the eukaryotic genome.
The RNA@core website aimed to be special…
Artistic; portraits and drawings rather than pictures.
New. 09/2023
Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs)
Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) represent a specialized class of small RNAs critical for preserving genomic stability by suppressing transposable elements known to induce genetic instability.
New. 08/2023
The mammalian tRNA ligase complex (tRNA‐LC)
The mammalian tRNA ligase complex (tRNA‐LC) was found by the Martinez Lab to catalyze the splicing of intron‐containing pre‐tRNAs in the nucleus and the splicing of XBP1 mRNA during the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the cytoplasm.
New. 06/2023
Role of the 5’ end phosphorylation state for small RNA stability and target RNA regulation in bacteria
Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli use small RNAs to stimulate target RNA decay.
New. 05/2023
From a loose string to a compact globule: shaping messenger RNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the universal blueprint for protein production. Biology textbooks often depict mRNAs as an extended, string-like molecule that slithers out of the cell nucleus into the cytoplasm to be translated into a protein.
New. 02/2023
Embryos gaining independence
After fertilization, the genome of the embryo is transcriptionally inactive and maternally deposited RNA and proteins perform cellular functions.
New. 12/2022
64 neue Doktoratsstellen entstehen in ganz Österreich
Mehr Karriereangebote für Doktorand:innen, um in vielversprechenden Forschungsfeldern Fuß fassen zu können – die doc.funds- und doc.funds.connect- Förderungen stärken die Doktoratsausbildung an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. In der jüngsten Bewilligungsrunde konnten die Konzepte von neun Forschungsteams überzeugen, der FWF investiert 13 Millionen Euro in 64 neue Doktoratsstellen in ganz Österreich.
New. 12/2022
Javier Martinez receives extensive "doc.funds" Grant of the FWF
MedUni Vienna researcher at Max Perutz Laboratories coordinates PhD training project in RNA biochemistry and biology
New. 07/2022
New funding for Max Perutz Labs scientists
The Austrian Science Fund FWF has allocated €2 million in funding to a joint doc.funds initiative coordinated by Javier Martinez. The course will provide training to doctoral students in RNA biology and includes scientists from the Max Perutz Labs, the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI), and the Medical University of Vienna. Congratulations also to Sebastian Falk, who is part of a Weave Cross Border project and Gijs Versteeg, who has been awarded a stand-alone project grant.
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